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 Pachyphytum compactum

Pachyphytum compactum ‘Little Jewel’ can be grown indoors or outdoors, as well as in containers or garden beds, making it perfect for any space!

If you’re looking for something easy that will thrive without much care, then this is your perfect match!

They’re easy enough for anyone who’s not too knowledgeable about gardening yet still provides plenty of benefits for those who know what they’re doing!

Learn how to propagate the Pachyphytum compactum plant, as well as how to take care of it. This guide will help you grow a healthy and beautiful garden!

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Pachyphytum compactum, commonly known as Little Jewel, is a perennial succulent plant from the Crassulaceae family, native to Mexico.

This Pachyphytum species is a type of succulent with short stems. It grows up to 6 inches (15 cm) long and often branches towards the base.

It holds rosettes with cylindrical fleshy leaves that are up to 1.2 (3 cm) inches long and light green-grey color with white veins and purple tips.

The flowers are a muted yellow in the center with an orange border. The inflorescence reaches 1 foot (30 cm) high and blooms from late winter to early spring.

How To Care for Pachyphytum Compactum

Pachyphytum compactum care is similar to Pachyphytum oviferum and Pachyphytum bracteosum care

Below you’ll find the most important information you need to know about caring for Pachyphytum compactum.


Sun Exposure & Light Requirements

The Pachyphytum compactum succulent plant is easy to grow, but it grows slowly and requires plenty of light.

They thrive in either full sun or partial shade, but they will burn their leaves if they get too much intense sunlight.

Pachyphytum plants prefer diffused bright light conditions when grown indoors.

You do not want to put them in direct sunlight, but you should place them somewhere where they will get lots of indirect light from the sun.

An ideal place would be a north-facing window where it gets plenty of sunlight during the morning but will not get direct sunlight for the rest of the day.

When grown outdoors, you should provide them with some shade during the hottest part of the day.

You can do this by either placing a tree or building your own shade structure if you have the time and know-how to do that.

Watering Requirements

The watering requirements of the Pachyphytum compactum succulent plant are not very demanding.

When watering this plant, you should allow the soil to dry out before adding more and avoid overwatering. Too much water is harmful to the plant; you should always allow it to dry out before watering.

When watering, avoid getting water on the leaves, and you should water in the morning or afternoon, but not during the hottest hours of the day.

Soil Requirements

The Pachyphytum compactum needs a well-draining soil like a cactus soil, or you can make your own succulent potting mix.

The main ingredient of the soil should be comprised of pumice, perlite, sand, or peat moss. The soil you use should hold the moisture and provide good drainage.

The best succulent potting mix you can use is a mixture of 2 parts coarse sand and 1 part pumice for the soil.

Cactus family

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