Sansevieria, also known as snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue, is characterized by its upright, sword-shaped leaves. Here are some general features and care tips for Sansevieria:
- Sansevieria leaves are typically long, flat, and sword-shaped.
- Some varieties may have leaves with patterns or variegation.
- Sansevieria plants have a rosette growth habit, and their leaves arise from a central point.
- The size of the plant can vary depending on the specific species or cultivar. Some varieties are compact, while others can grow quite tall.
- The color of the leaves can range from shades of green to variegated patterns with white or yellow.
- Sansevieria is considered a low-maintenance plant and is known for its ability to thrive in conditions with minimal care.
- It’s often cited for its air-purifying qualities, as it can remove certain toxins from the air.