Marble Queen Pothos is a stunning cultivar of Epipremnum aureum and it has gorgeous, highly exhibiting different colours leaves. Golden Pothos, Marble Queen will meet your needs, All varieties of Pothos make wonderful low maintenance and low light indoor plants, and Marble Queen sure will meet all your needs.
Pre-mixed soils for houseplants like golden pothos. Mix equal amounts of peat moss, perlite or vermiculite, and composted bark/coconut coir for aeration and water retention.
Problem hai : Owners should note its leaves start to droop when the pathos is thirsty and needs a drink.
Yaha solution hai : But avoid withholding water for too long or its leaves will start to fall.
Problem hai :Yellowing &Amp; Brown Leaves
Yellowing of the foliage may occur due to too much direct sunlight or not enough light at all. If the foliage has taken on a brown hue, it could be due to inadequate moisture in the atmosphere surrounding your plant, or you may have been over-watering, leading to root rot and discoloration of leaves.
Yaha solution hai : Ensure your plant has indirect light throughout the day and water only when necessary, so the soil does not become soggy and wet for long periods.